Sparky / Dexter’s Adventures

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Sparky / Dexter’s Message Board

Total Messages:




  • Todd Jordan

    Hello! Is this still a valid email? I would like to ask about a trading card I have for Sparky’s Adventures.


    Hi Todd!

    Yes, it is!  We’ve redesigned the Message Board a little bit, but it’s still Sparky and Dexter’s Message Board.  Glad you have one of the Sparky cards!  We have cards for our new dog Dexter, too (and it’s Dexter’s 9th birthday today!).  If you have any questions, ask away!



  • Ceciy Yanes-Vega

    Hello, I am so glad that you are coming, and I can’t wait to see you and Dexter, and I wonder what book you are going to read to my class we are all excited.

    Hi Ceciy!

    Which school are you from?  Park City Magnet?  That’s the school Dexter and I are visiting next.  If that’s your school, I think I’m going to read from Dexter’s chapter book, “Dexter and The Rescuettes,” and I might also read “Sparky’s Wonderful Life.”  This way, I can read books about both Dexter and Sparky!

    Have a fun weekend!

    Rick (and Dexter, too!)  Woof!

  • Annesa khan from Park City Magnet School

    …..💗❤️ Hi, I’m so grateful to see you on May 14 ❤️💗…..

    Hi Annesa!

    And Dexter and I will be so happy to see you and all your classmates!  Park City was the first school that Dexter ever visited, and he was very nervous! But now he loves going to all the schools.  On May 14, I think I’m going to read a bit from Dexter’s chapter book, “Dexter and the Rescuettes,” and then maybe I’ll read “Sparky’s Wonderful Life,” the true story of Sparky’s  life.  Can’t wait to visit your class!

    Rick (and Dexter, too!)  Woof!

  • Lauren R Hunter

    Hi Rick,

    Our class is so excited for your visit on Tuesday, May 14th.

    See you and Dexter soon


    Hi Lauren!

    Dexter and I are looking forward to seeing you and your class, too!  And Dexter will be a year older by then.  His 9th “birthday” (day he was adopted) is May 7!

    See ya soon!

    Rick and Dexter, too!  Woof!

  • tanya silva/annmarie violano

    Hello.  We were wondering if we can do Wednesday July 17th.  We would have 2 groups of about 20 kids each if we could split  the activity and have you do the 2 smaller groups.  Please let us know if that works for you and what time you can come.  We usually book people to come around 9:30ish

    Thank you kindly


    Hi Tanya!

    Dexter and I would love to come visit your kids again!  Thanks so much!  Two groups is fine, as is the 9:30 start time.  I’ll send you a flyer about our visit, along with an order form for presales of the books, when it gets closer to the date.

    Thanks again!

    Rick (and Dexter, too!)  Woof!


  • francisco from the school that you went to oon 3/7/24

    I am so sorry that sparky died my sister started to cry and she made me cry too but i love all of your animal  I LOVE YOUR GAMES

    Hi Francisco!

    Thank you for your kind words about Sparky, as well as Maggie the Bunny, Speedy the Tortoise and Dexter, too!  And, yes, it is sad that Sparky passed away, but she lived a great life and had so many friends just like you.  I have so many great memories of Sparky, and everytime I think of her it puts a smile on my face!  And thanks for visiting Sparky and Dexter’s Web site.  So happy you like the games!  I really like the Match Games!

    Bye for now!

    Rick (and Dexter, too!)  Woof!

  • Mia Veras

    I love dexter and sparky


    Thanks so much for writing!!  And I’m so happy that you love Dexter and Sparky!  I’m sure Sparky would have liked you if she could have met you. She probably would have given you a big doggie kiss! And I’ll give Dexter a big hug for you!

    I’m guessing that you go to Black Rock School.  Dexter and I had so much fun meeting you and your classmates today!

    Bye for now!

    Rick and Dexter (woof!)



  • ???

    Thank you for visiting Rogers International School, My child loves your books!


    You’re more than welcome!!  So happy that your child is enjoying the Sparky/Dexter books!  That’s one of the main reasons I write the books and visit the schools, to encourage kids to read and write more.  Another reason is that my dog Dexter loves meeting the kids!

    All the best,

    Rick (and Dexter, too!)

  • Rick Arruzza, Sparky and Dexter (and Speedy the Tortoise, too!)

    Hi Everybody!

    We had to do some minor updates to the Sparky/Dexter’s Adventures Web site, and, unfortunately, we couldn’t save all the previous messages to Sparky and Dexter’s Message Board.

    So, we’re starting all over!  The Message Board works the same as it always did.  Just send us a message, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

    Thanks so much!